Campus & Community Resource Guide

Campus & Community Resource Guide - LINK

 Compiled by UC Santa Cruz Resource Centers: 

COVID-19 and General Health Resources

Purpose: to provide the below target groups with resources directly related to COVID-19, and other supportive needs (e.g. mental, emotional, physical health, financial, basic needs resources) that are found on the UCSC campus, but also the general Santa Cruz area.

Target groups: UCSC students and community, ABC, AA/PI, Indigenous/Native, Latinx, LGBTQ+/BIPOC, SWANA, Women, Youth, Disabled, Elders, Undocumented.

Contact info: If you find information that is incorrect or missing, please reach out to, with “Resource Guide” in the subject so that we don’t miss it! This list is currently compiled by Desirae, Tuli & Mk (ERC interns), including resources from the UCSC Resource Centers.